Jumaat, 1 Mac 2013

Book I've been read so far.

People around me just think I'm not the type of guy that reading novel. They always thought that I only enjoy manga, comic books, cartoon and  anime (Well that's true). But the real truth is I always like to read any story either they got graphic / picture or not. I'll read whatever type of novel if I should be interested in whether it is a novel of romance, thriller, science fiction, fantasy, horror, investigations and many other. Even some novel title that became a hot topic and raised some questions and discussion.


Some books or novels that I read, I borrowed at my workplace ie Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and some are my own purchase.

Here are some books or novels that I have or I have read.

Koleksi lengkap Saga Artakusiad.

Pendeta Gua Khayalan dan sambungannya Duyung Pulau Kenchana saya beli selepas membaca review di Facebook oleh Masdalifadzlie M Saaid.

Yang Indah Hanya Mimpi. Beli novel ni pasal minat Trilogi Cinta.

Setia Hujung Nyawa. Beli novel ni pasal minat cerita kat TV3

Tak beli tapi pinjam di library. I'm also suprise how this novel got in here.

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